On This page you will find Editor Work at Home Jobs and related content. Many will let you work Editor jobs remotely from home. You can have virtually no commute time as you stay at home. Editor Home office work is rapidly booming and I have listed many of the top companies and resources for you to gain employment. If you do not find a job opportunity through this page, be sure to check some other categories that are related, or the larger companies, as they hire in many different departments and categories and I have to avoid double listing a lot of them for SEO and space reasons.
Do not pay to apply for work to anyone. There are plenty of opportunities to work from home in Editor without paying any initial hiring fee. You may though have to pay for a background check though and some require even a credit check. I have plenty of other areas on the website you can use to find Editor work from anywhere type, work from home jobs. Try some of the following pages and enter Editor in a search like the Work From Home Job Boards page listed as a subpage of the Job Boards main page. The search engines there are specialized in finding Work at Home jobs or remote work. The Job Boards page is also good for searches with keywords in your favorite search engine. I also have a page of top Freelance sites that you can use for you searching.
I have other good places to search for remote anywhere type jobs such as the companies listed on the Global Jobs & Global Jobs Pg. 2 and then Worldwide and Worldwide Pg. 2. Many of them employ in the USA too or are USA based. Good luck in your job search and be sure to check out the job categories of you skill area listed on other parts of this site as the whole site is designed to give you the opportunity to work from you own home and many employ persons from remote or anywhere, virtual locations.
Academic Word has an extensive range of specialties : http://www.academicword.com/emp.asp
AccuTran Global is an Ontario-based online virtual business services company, employ approximately 70 home source workers throughout North America and internationally to provide a variety of business services to clients, located throughout Canada, the United States and in the U.K. : http://www.accutranglobal.com
AcquireContent award-winning editorial team covers hundreds of topics tis seeking freelancers who can identify interview targets, schedule and conduct interviews, and write feature articles based on those interviews. The focus will be local businesses from pre-determined geographical areas, which will be given at the time of assignment : http://acquirecontent.com/
Aegis Global – 9 countries, services cover sales, customer care and back office including advertising sales, cross-sell, order management, subscription processing, product inquiries, technical support, content editing, proof reading, closed captioning, and analytics. Additionally, we provide multi-lingual customer support to customers across Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific . Click Country at top right to see list : http://www.aegisglobal.com/us/en/industries/publishing-and-media or to apply to them http://www.aegisglobal.com/us/en/about/careers-with-us
AJE American Journal Experts hires Editors affiliated to certain universities to edit in their area of expertise. All contractor positions are remote and can be performed from anywhere in the world. At this time, AJE recruits contractors who have affiliations with a specific list of top US research institutions : http://rscontractors.theresumator.com/
Apex we are human process engineering experts is seeking Proofreaders, Copy Editors, Indexer : Click Here
ASC Services Part-time, entry-level positions for copy editors/proofreaders are currently available with the WordXpress Department with Morningside Partners, LLC. Bachelor’s degree in English or journalism and/or at least one year of experience preferred, but qualified college students are encouraged to apply : http://www.emediamillworks.com/careers.html
Book Editing Associates The book editors and proofreaders posted on this site specialize in numerous fiction genres and nonfiction topics : http://www.book-editing.com/book-editors.html
CACTUS offers rewarding and flexible freelancing opportunities. Depending on your experience and qualifications, you could pursue academic, scientific, pharma, or regulatory editing; guide authors through the publication process; or join our base of professional translators or transcriptionists : http://www.cactusglobal.com/about-us/careers/freelance-opportunities
Cambridge Proofreading Worldwide LLC is known for quality customer service and first class editing. We’re always interested in hearing from high quality proofreading and editing freelancers : http://proofreading.org/about/careers-jobs
CrowdSource Workers only view tasks for which they have achieved qualification : http://www.crowdsource.com/how-it-works/
Demand Media Studios – Editing for Demand MediaStudios is easy. Pay, $3.50 for every 300-500 word article reviewed, with most editors earning an average of $20 to $25 per hour : http://talent.studiod.com/
Dominate Link hows a sample form for you to fill out. Have to use sitemap link to navagate to Freelancer Aggreement terms : http://domainite.com/editing-sample/
Ed2010 is a community of young magazine editors and magazine-editor wannabes who want to learn more about the industry. Now have chapters in cities across the U.S., Canada, and in the UK : http://www.ed2010.com
Edit911 always looking for more dissertation editors, thesis editors, and book editors to join world-class Staff. PhD Required : http://edit911.com/employment/
EditorLive editors are required to provide corrections and suggestions in reference to grammar, spelling, document flow, punctuation, and usage within strict deadlines ranging from 3 to 72 hours, depending upon the client’s request. Editors must also be skilled in Chicago, APA, AP, MLA, CSE, and other style manuals : http://www.papercheck.com/editors.html
Enago We are looking for experienced editors from the following subject areas: Biosciences, Medicine, Pharmaceutical sciences, Physical sciences, Earth sciences, Engineering, and Economics : http://www.enago.com/careers.htm
Ethos Content sometimes seeking Editors : http://www.ethoscontent.com/careers
FREE Publicity for AUTHORS: Online publisher, 10 yrs experience promotes you, your books.
GEISWriters.com – Connecting Writers with Publishers, recruiting service for technical, educational, and medical writers. Recruits writers, proofreaders, and editors in a variety of fields : http://www.geiswriters.com/
GL Enterprises offers working offsite opportunites at times in Proofreading or other jobs as they open up : http://gle.catsone.com
GlobalSpec’ The Editor’s primary responsibility is to write headlines and a brief introduction to engaging content for a steady flow of high-quality news stories from the World Wide Web. Editors will conduct research/search activity via the Web to find stories on news, trends, new technology, product introductions, careers, and diversions that will interest the engineering, scientific, and technical community of professionals. Work Remote or Home Office (From Home) : http://www.globalspec.com
Gramlee We are always looking for exceptional editors! https://www.gramlee.com/jobs.html
KIRKUS Freelance/Project Basis (Anywhere) : https://www.kirkusreviews.com/about/careers/
Lifetips If you’re the passionate editor who knows how to turn complex problems into simple, understandable tips that guide, clarify, connect, enlighten and most importantly entertain readers : http://www.lifetips.com/about/join-team-editorial.html
LoveToKnow writers and editors are a dedicated community of topic experts, paid to research, write and edit informational articles, product reviews, quizzes and slideshows : http://www.lovetoknow.com/write-for-us.htm
Lyceum Books, Inc. looking for experienced proofreaders and copy editors for our books and scholarly journals. Individuals applying should have at least two years of book editing experience : http://www.lyceumbooks.com/Freelancers.htm
Lynne Palmer Executive Recruitment is a boutique executive search firm, specializing in the publishing and new media industries. Work From Home, Virtual, Telecommute, online positions : http://www.lynnepalmerinc.com
Managed Editing Wordfirm Inc. sometimes seeks skilled editors to work for us as independent contractors : http://managedediting.com/freelance-work.html
mediabistro.com is dedicated to anyone who creates or works with content, or who is a non-creative professional working in a content/creative industry : http://www.mediabistro.com/
MotionTemps : http://www.motiontemps.com/careers.html
Mountain West Processing – Researchers, Editors and Transcribers, if you are seeking independent contractor work with a solid, reputable company, please view our employment page : http://www.mountainwestprocessing.com/
MT Jobs : http://www.mtjobs.com/
Ozio Media Seeking PROOFREADERS who have a keen eye for detail and are comfortable working through a high volume of text on aggressive deadlines. This is a steady contract position with 80-200 articles to proofread per week : http://www.oziomedia.com/jobs
Pacific Metrics Corporation : http://www.pacificmetrics.com/#careers
Panther Editing Our professional editors are actively involved in business writing, technical writing, academic writing and professional writing. We professionally edit all types of academic papers from many renowned colleges and universities while utilizing standard APA and MLA formats : http://www.pantherediting.com/employment.html
Patch is seeking bright, new talent in hundreds of locations across the country. Browse our openings below for both Local Editors (2+ years of local journalism experience) and Regional Editors (4-5 years, including management experience). You can also search by your location. Many Work From Home Jobs and Work From Home Intern positions : http://www.patch.com
PPA Progressive Publishing Alternatives. We periodically offer full-time, part-time, and freelance employment opportunities : http://www.ppalternatives.com/company/careers.html#ce
ProEdit has been establishing itself as a leading provider of editing, writing, translating, and desktop publishing services : http://www.proedit.com
ProofReadNOW.com Our proofreaders catch spelling and grammar errors, check punctuation, and review and rewrite content for clarity and style. Many of our proofreaders specialize in fields such as medical, legal, financial, high-tech, and more. We provide proofreading and copyediting services for English (American, British, and Canadian), Spanish, and Chinese documents and translation services for Spanish and Chinese documents.: http://www.proofreadnow.com/employment
Quarasan is a full service conceptual developer of content for publishers of educational materials and products. In a nutshell, we work with our clients to create products that work—products that learn and teachers teach : http://www.quarasan.com
Rancho Park Publishing has an on-going need for experienced free-lance translators, proofreaders, project managers, salespeople and desktop publishers in all major languages : http://www.ranchopark.com/careers.htm
Remote Jobs Design, Development, Copy Writing, Management, Freelancer or Employee : http://remote-jobs.com/
Research Square hires Independent Contractors or Full-time Editors : http://rscontractors.theresumator.com/
Scribendi.com is the world’s leading editing and proofreading service : http://www.scribendi.com/employment.en.html#telecommute
SIGNINDUSTRY.COM seeking Online Editors : http://www.signindustry.com/jobs.php3#editor
SoftScript Edit medical dictation, including acute care, radiology and/or pathology : http://www.softscript.com
Spectramedi Work at home / remote or in-office. Requires very little typing. Superior proofing and editing skills required. Perform quality assurance editing and proofing. Certification desirable : http://www.spectramedi.com/medical-transcription-services-jobopening.htm
Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media. World wide opportunities for Editors, Publishers, Writers, work from home and other opportunities : http://www.springer.com
Springwise editors scan the globe for smart new business ideas, delivering instant inspiration to entrepreneurial minds : http://www.springwise.com
TCNY Translation Company of New York at TCNY, our translators, proofreaders and editors are US-based seasoned professionals who not only demonstrate native fluency in their respective languages, but are also experts in many diverse fields such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, computer science, advertising, commerce and law : http://www.tcny2000.com/work_for_us.html
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, one of the most prestigious, widely read journals in the field of orthopaedic surgery, is seeking freelance proofreaders/copy editors, working from home, to review galleys and/or edit manuscripts, in MS Word : http://www.jbjs.org
The Wirecutter : http://thewirecutter.com/jobs/
TPEWritersNetwork : http://tpewritersnetwork.com/faq.shtml
TypoBounty.com take their test earn money, not sure how much : http://typobounty.com/general.php?page=proofreadingtest
University Language Services : https://www.universitylanguage.com/employmentopp.htm
Victory Productions We are always looking for freelancers in graphic design, page composition, illustration, writing, and editing : http://www.victoryprd.com/about/careers/
Wordfirm Inc. sometimes seeks highly qualified freelance writers, editors, copyeditors, proofreaders, and indexers. Only interested in professional, highly skilled writers and editors with at least three years of practical experience : http://www.wordfirm.com/editorialemploy.htm
WORDSRU Qualifications include, Hold a Master’s degree, PhD, or equivalent professional experience in any academic discipline : https://wordsru.com/jobs
Working Solutions – editing projects : http://www.workingsolutions.com
Write Recruit fill freelance and full-time positions for copywriters, journalists, editors, copyeditors, proof readers, translators and various writing management roles : http://www.writerecruit.com
Writer’s Relief format clients’ books, novels, short stories, essays, and poems to industry standards, and proofread all work that is included in submission packets : http://writersrelief.com/about-our-proofreaders/
Editor Proofreader Related Content
Editorial Freelancers Association The online EFA member directory offers clients free and instant access to the diverse assortment of highly skilled publishing professionals who make up EFA membership. The free EFA job listing service offers clients another way to find the right freelancer for the job : http://www.the-efa.org/
International Press Institute (IPI) – A global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists who are dedicated to the furtherance and safeguarding of press freedom, the protection of freedom of opinion and expression and the improvement of the practices of journalism.
Netline Corporation TradePub– Free COVER Magazine Subscription Subscription : http://www.tradepub.com
PaperRater.com analyzes documents immediately, 24/7, in real-time. We provide in depth analysis to help the student improve grammar and writing : http://www.paperrater.com/free_paper_grader
RoughDraft is a donationware word processor designed with the writer in mind. For a more complete description, read the Overview : http://www.salsbury.f2s.com/rd.htm