Avoiding Predators of Entrepreneurs. (Keeping your Money) « The Entrepreneur’s Advisor : http://blog.theentrepreneursadvisor.com/2009/11/avoiding-predators-of-entrepreneurs-keeping-your-money/
Biz 3.0 – 7 Productivity Tips for the Home Based Entrepreneur : https://biz30.timedoctor.com/7-productivity-tips-home-based-entrepreneur/
Business.com Simply put, our mission is to help people grow their businesses : http://www.business.com/entrepreneurship/
Centre For Entrepreneurs CFE Britain : http://centreforentrepreneurs.org
Endeavor is leading the high-impact entrepreneurship movement around the world : http://www.endeavor.org
Entrepreneur 20 Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents : https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/207320
Entrepreneur CommonsTM is a not-for-profit for and by entrepreneurs, dedicated to helping them through peer-support groups. We currently have chapters in several cities around the world, in the US where we are originally based (San Francisco) but also in Europe and Asia (see map). These chapters meet once a month, and entrepreneurs share ideas, knowledge and contacts in a closed trusted environment : http://www.entrepreneurcommons.org
Entrepreneurship.org – Fostering Entrepreneurship Worldwide : http://www.entrepreneurship.org/
Entrepreneurs Organization The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a Global business network of 11,000+ leading entrepreneurs in 150 chapters and 48 countries. Founded in 1987 by a group of young entrepreneurs, EO enables business owners to learn from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life : http://www.eonetwork.org/
ETH ENTREPRENEUR CLUB Europe based in Switzerland : http://www.entrepreneur-club.org/about
Free Business Resources – My Own Business.org
Homepreneurs a Blog Site : http://homepreneurs.net/
Homepreneurs interesting articles and links : https://homepreneurs.wordpress.com/
Growthink suite of services and products that solve the key needs of entrepreneurs. These needs include: expertly identifying and pursuing new opportunities, developing business plans, raising capital, building marketing and growth strategies, and developing and executing on exit plans : http://www.growthink.com
London Mompreneurs! We are a group of dedicated business women striving to promote and excel the businesses of other female entrepreneurs in our community. We proudly support women from London, Ontario and surrounding areas. It is our hope that you will find valuable information on our site, both as a female entrepreneur and a community member, and that you will join us in supporting our local businesses and shop from Mompreneurs : http://london.themompreneur.com/
Meetup find a Mompreneur Meetup Group locally : http://mompreneurs.meetup.com/
Mompreneurs Middle East – an initiative by Mom Souq to support female entrepreneurs in the Middle East – is a B2B platform that caters to female entrepreneurs to promote and grow their business : http://mompreneurs.me/
Mompreneur® Showcase Group Inc. is here to support, educate, and empower moms in business. We are dedicated to bringing the businesses and talents of moms in business and female entrepreneurs into recognition for our collective community is a Canada based Organization : http://themompreneur.com/
Northwest Entrepreneur Network : http://www.nwen.org/
Springwise Helped by a network of 8,000 spotters, Springwise editors scan the globe for smart new business ideas, delivering instant inspiration to entrepreneurial minds. If you’re working on an article related to our content then please feel free to email us for a comment/quote : http://www.springwise.com
Suitcase Entrepreneur Offers free starter kit and blog podcasts : http://suitcaseentrepreneur.com/
THE HUFFINGTON POST Secrets from Successful Home-Based Business Entrepreneurs : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/moneytips/secrets-from-successful-h_b_8307160.html
Uk Business Labs The UK’s Premier Business Network Forums Homepreneurs : http://www.ukbusinesslabs.co.uk/forums/forums/homepreneurs.152/
Virgin Entrepreneur : https://www.virgin.com/entrepreneur
Working Solo for Independent Entrepreneurs : http://www.workingsolo.com
Social Entrepreneurship
Ashoka Our vision and understanding of the world comes from Ashoka’s experience in pioneering the field of social entrepreneurship over the last 35 years—finding, selecting, and supporting the world’s leading social entrepreneurs (Ashoka Fellows). The network of more than 3,000 Ashoka Fellows is implementing system-changing solutions to human and environmental problems in 89 countries : https://www.ashoka.org
Cause Artist The 33 Social Entrepreneurs to Watch for in 2016 : http://causeartist.com/social-entrepreneurs-to-watch-for-in-2016/
CSEF “The Canadian Social Entrepreneurship Foundation brings a fresh, innovative, high impact and energetic contribution to the Social Entrepreneurship Field. It’s focus on Education, mentorship, networking and resourcing is critical to the growth of a flourishing social economy in Canada.” http://www.csef.ca
diviximpact 5 social entrepreneurship must-reads : https://www.devex.com/news/5-social-entrepreneurship-must-reads-86813
Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneurship : https://www.entrepreneur.com/topic/social-entrepreneurship
GSEN GLOBAL SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP NETWORK European is the global network for organisations supporting early stage social entrepreneurs : http://www.gsen.global
GLOBAL CITIZEN Global Poverty Project is now Global Citizen. Our vision is a world free from extreme poverty by 2030 because of the collective actions of global citizens across the world. Find out more on our Global Citizen platform, including about us, governance, and impact : http://www.globalpovertyproject.com
INC. How to Become a Social Entrepreneur : http://www.inc.com/guides/201105/how-to-become-a-social-entrepreneur.html
SOCAP Entrepreneur Scholarship Program. Social entrepreneurs are the heart of SOCAP. They identify new solutions to pressing issues, balancing true impact with sustainable business models. We prioritize support for inspiring entrepreneurs, as they are the future of the social capital markets : http://socap16.socialcapitalmarkets.net/get-involved/social-entrepreneur-scholarship/
Social Entrepreneur Corps offers you the real world opportunity to work side-by-side with and learn from practicing social entrepreneurs in Latin America : http://socialentrepreneurcorps.com
Social Entrepreneurs, Inc. Our mission is to improve the lives of people by helping organizations realize their potential. We serve nonprofit community service providers, state and local government agencies, state associations and foundations throughout the United States : http://socialent.com
SOCIAL GOOD STUFF 11 ARTICLES EVERY SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR SHOULD READ : http://socialgoodstuff.com/2016/05/11-articles-every-social-entrepreneur-should-read/
Teach For America’s Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation (SEI) team is cultivating a network of innovators on a mission to end educational inequity in our life time : https://www.teachforamerica.org/alumni/career-leadership/leading-education/social-entrepreneurship-innovation
The Flow Project presents RADICAL SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS : http://www.radicalsocialentreps.org
The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship provides unparalleled platforms at the regional and global level to highlight and advance leading models of sustainable social innovation. It identifies a select community of social entrepreneurs and engages it in shaping global, regional and industry agendas that improve the state of the world in close collaboration with the other stakeholders of the World Economic Forum : http://www.schwabfound.org
WIKIBOOKS Getting Started as an Entrepreneur/Opportunity/Social Entrepreneurship : https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Getting_Started_as_an_Entrepreneur/Opportunity/Social_Entrepreneurship
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Internet Home Based Business Mom’s Are Starting A New Revolution! by Richard Swartling
Internet home based business mom’s are becoming the new generation of entrepreneurs. Even if they never thought about owning a home based business. The internet is providing them with more and more valuable information, that show’s them that anyone no matter how good or bad they are with computer’s. Can learn How to provide an income from home just like anybody that has made money on internet.
Home based business mom’s are even making more money at home than their husbands or partners. Providing an income that can even have their partner’s leave their jobs and work together at home. Building a home based business that allows them to have more freedom and spend more time with their family and kids.
Home based business mom’s are more determined and persistent. When it come’s to keeping the family closer. And having a business that you can run from home make’s that even easier for them. And the thought of being a successful entrepreneur gives them more security and less things to worry about. And the important things like education for the kids and a better lifestyle for the family. Is what most mom’s dream and want for their kids and family.
Mom’s from all over the world realise that the internet is a way to overcome their struggles of just being a stay at home mom. Now her and her partner can watch their kids grow together. And knowing that they are financialy secure makes the process even easier. All most mom’s want is a family that can grow old together and not have to worry about their kids ever having to go through what they did. And the internet is making this possible for moms all over the world.
Providing an income from home is the best thing that ever came out of the internet. The “Network Marketing Industry” is giving people a chance to start over again with the use of the internet. Reading the “Coffee House Letter” has changed the way i and many people have looked at the internet. People are more happy and family’s are more closer. Thanks to the NET!