99 Dollar Social Work with a growing, fast-paced social media company as a Part-time Social Media Content Specialist! https://www.99dollarsocial.com/content-specialist-position/
Facebook Studio is a place to learn, share your work, and find inspiration. We created Facebook Studio as a way to showcase how agencies and marketers can make an impact by marketing with Facebook. Here you’ll find great creative ideas from around the world, as well as the resources you need to find answers and create your own campaigns : http://facebook-studio.com/
FirePath is a social media strategy and consultation firm dedicated to providing organizations the resources and expertise needed to build a solid brand, increase revenues and expand market share. Hiring Online Community Managers : http://www.firepathinc.com/contact
Gogobot Are you an expert of the city you live in and passionate about travel? Does everyone turn to you for recommendations when they’re planning a day trip or night out in your town? Do you love social media and event planning? As a part-time Gogobot Community Manager, you’ll be the ringleader of a dynamic community of locals who have a passion for sharing about their travels on Gogobot : http://www.gogobot.com/jobs#jobcm
HeroX Social Media Manager : https://herox.workable.com/jobs/211637
ICUC at ICUC we have a lot of employment opportunities for experienced social media content moderators or community managers that can work in more than one language. If you can work fluently in English and two or more of the following languages, we’d really like to talk! German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Dutch, Polish, French and Spanish. (Any other languages are an asset as well.) http://icuc.social/careers/
Lionbridge Crowd is the recruitment team for Lionbridge Enterprise Crowdsourcing. We are based in Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Lionbridge is a global company and our corporate headquarters are based in Waltham, Mass. USA. We recruit for work-from-home and telecommute positions that often require candidates to be bilingual, and have a strong interest in internet culture. We offer part-time, work-from-home roles where individuals work all around the globe as Independent Contractors : http://www.thesmartcrowd.com/about/workers/job-opportunities/
LiveWorld Moderation services to include any or all of the following duties as requested by LiveWorld, and according to the policies of the Company and its various clients: Sweeping of client content, which can include Facebook Wall posts and comments, message boards, chat boards, user groups, blog entries, videos, pictures, or audio files on either LiveWorld or client platform. These are part-time, work-at-home positions. More details at http://www.liveworld.com/about/jobs/moderator/
Mashable Inc., its primary focus is social media news, but also covers news and developments in mobile, entertainment, online video, business, web development, technology, memes and gadgets : http://mashable.com/
MyLikes Create a social website, create or share viral content and drive traffic in minutes. Our patent pending technology will help you monetize your audience and maximize your revenue : http://mylikes.com/
Quiip Australia We are always on the lookout for Australia’s best Community Managers. Learn & share as part of the Quiip team. We’re looking for the best and brightest online community managers and social media managers : http://quiip.com.au/jobs/
The Meebo Bar is a customizable sharing platform that connects your visitors to their friends on any communication and social network. Positioned across the bottom of every site page, it’s there for easy viewing and sharing—your content always stays front and center. See the Meebo Bar in action. : https://www.meebo.com
RedGage has redefined socializing and creating projects on the web by paying you for all of your blogs, pictures, videos, documents, and links. You will not only be able to create a stronger web identity, but will also have the opportunity to host, navigate, and review a wide variety of projects : http://www.redgage.com
RockMelt is re-imagining the browser for how people use the web today by making it easy to stay in touch with friends, search online, and get updates from your favorite sites. Your Browser. Re-Imagined. http://www.rockmelt.com/
Share Magnet It Pays to Share – Share Magnet pays you to share the brands you love with
your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & more : http://sharemagnet.com/magnets/
Social News Desk, Inc. At SocialNewsDesk, we believe social media is shaping the future of news. We are a quickly growing startup that provides social media tools to help newsrooms engage viewers and distribute content. We are looking for our next great team member – a Social Media News Specialist who will help our 600+ news clients use our tools to better promote their content through social media. We are based in Orlando, Florida and Gainesville, Florida, but we are open to full-time candidates anywhere in the U.S. who can work from home. For more information about SocialNewsDesk, visit www.socialnewsdesk.com and www.facebook.com/socialnewsdesk.
International Social Media Association : http://www.ismaconnects.org
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Your Web Job is a hub for job-seeking web professionals — project managers, copywriters, SEO experts, usability folk, social media gurus, and yes, even designers and developers — and for those who want to hire them : http://yourwebjob.com/
Social media optimization is a social media activity in which visitors are attracted to the website content by adding social media issues to the content through various ways. SMO or social media optimization is very much similar to the SEO that is search engine optimization. They both work on website optimization which means promoting a website.
SMO is done in two categories; one is adding social media features to the website content itself, including social news, sharing buttons, user rating, polling and by adding images and videos to the content. Second is done through making and commenting on blogs, participating in group discussions and other ways on social networking profiles.
Social media optimization is different from Search engine optimization in terms of driving traffic on the sites but, it indirectly this trafficking benefits the social media optimization as both of these works on promoting the websites. In a way internet advertising is a part of Social media optimization and search engine optimization. Various social sites and activities are also used in this promotion like blogs, video sharing, photo sharing and many more. These activities help in reaching many people at a time.
Social media optimization does not perform only in marketing and brand building it is also a part of their knowledge management strategy. Social media optimization also participates in building a community that helps in promotion of a website and ultimately benefits the concerned business or company. Social media optimization helps in increasing links, getting helpful and valuable users which results in the great success.
In today’s time social sites are gaining more popularity and customers therefore, using these latest trends of promotion is good for the websites also. Social media sites are a two way process thus it helps in creating awareness about various sites, products and services etc, These promotional services are mainly provided by various SEO Companies that work for promotion of websites only. Social media optimization is one of the tools of search engine optimization through which they promote various websites.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/seo-articles/social-media-optimization-2597833.html
Media Marketing Online is one of the well known ethical seo services which helps companies in doing the Search Engine Optimization work. For Organic and Paid listing too, if you want to know about content development company please log on to its website: http://www.octashop.com