or Linguist

On This page you will find Translator Work at Home Jobs and related content. Many will let you work Translator remotely from home. You can have virtually no commute time as you stay at home. Translator Home office work is rapidly booming and I have listed many of the top companies and resources for you to gain employment. If you do not find a job opportunity through this page, be sure to check some other categories that are related, or the larger companies, as they hire in many different departments and categories and I have to avoid double listing a lot of them for SEO and space reasons.
Do not pay to apply for work to anyone. There are plenty of opportunities to work from home with Translator without paying any initial hiring fee. You may though have to pay for a background check though and some require even a credit check. I have plenty of other areas on the website you can use to find Translator work from anywhere type, work from home jobs. Try some of the following pages and enter Translator in a search like the Work From Home Job Boards page listed as a subpage of the Job Boards main page. The search engines there are specialized in finding Work at Home jobs or remote work. The Job Boards page is also good for searches with keywords in your favorite search engine. I also have a page of top Freelance sites that you can use for you searching.
I have other good places to search for remote anywhere type jobs such as the companies listed on the Global Jobs & Global Jobs Pg. 2 and then Worldwide and Worldwide Pg. 2. Many of them employ in the USA too or are USA based. Good luck in your job search and be sure to check out the job categories of you skill area listed on other parts of this site as the whole site is designed to give you the opportunity to work from you own home and many employ persons from remote or anywhere, virtual locations.
ABLE InnovationsTM is seeking qualified translators for all languages. Register with us today to gain work as projects become active. Work from your office, wherever around the globe! http://www.ableinnovations.com
ACADEMICWORD We are always interested in learning about exceptional editors and translators with experience in academic writing. ACADEMICWORD offers challenging work in a stimulating environment : http://www.academicword.com/emp.asp
acclaro We are always looking for freelance and contract translators, editors, and language leads. Please view our current open searches and apply here : http://www.acclaro.com/translation-agency/translation-jobs/
Accurapid : http://www.accurapid.com/
ACD Direct Hiring Virtual Contact Center with English & Bilingual Telecommuting opportunities for individuals in the United States to achieve the dream of working from home! http://www.acddirect.com/becomeanagent.html
ACS Inc. A Xerox Company Bilingual Work at Home Call Center Rep These positions will work from home, but might train on site in Schaumburg. We provide all the equipment needed to work from home : http://www.acs-inc.com/
Adept Word Management, Inc. : http://adeptwordmanagement.com/
Advanis hires (Candian home base ony) bilinguial French and/or Spanshish home based remote agents : http://www.advanis.ca
Aegis Global – 9 countries, services cover sales, customer care and back office including advertising sales, cross-sell, order management, subscription processing, product inquiries, technical support, content editing, proof reading, closed captioning, and analytics. Additionally, we provide multi-lingual customer support to customers across Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific . Click Country at top right to see list : http://www.aegisglobal.com/us/en/industries/publishing-and-media or to apply to them http://www.aegisglobal.com/us/en/about/careers-with-us
AE Inc.-Translations provides linguistic services to leading foreign and domestic companies. Our team of management, linguists, and support staff is located in our home offices and spans the globe as well.We are always interested in candidates for the following positions: Translators (all fields, all languages), Editors, Project Managers, Marketing / Sales, Desktop Publishers, and Software Engineers : http://www.aetrans.com
Affordable Translations always welcomes résumés of qualified and experienced translators interested in working on a contract basis. Please note that we only consider candidates who currently have a US Taxpayer ID Number : http://www.affordabletranslations.com/translations/about/employment.shtml
African Translation is the leading provider of services in languages of lesser diffusion : http://www.africantranslation.com/Translators.html
American High-Tech Transcription & Reporting All of our linguists undergo thorough criminal background checks, or hold federal security clearances. They have either federal or state court interpreter certifications and/or have been tested by nationally recognized language testing agencies such as the American Translators Association, ALTA, ECTFL, etc. All employees or independent contractors are U.S. Citizens or legal U.S. residents : http://www.htsteno.com/translation.html
Andovar is always recruiting talented translators, writers, voice talent and graphic support specialists. Interested parties may write to the following addresses with a CV as appropriate. Please note however that current opportunities are for the positions advertised in the sections below. Andovar is an international provider of comprehensive content globalization solutions headquartered in Singapore with a global support structure spanning Asia and the Americas : http://www.andovar.com
APPEN Translator, Transcription and Linguist remote positions Globely: http://www.appen.com/
ASC Services, LLC Our global team of native-language speakers offers a breadth of reach, and depth of knowledge in a wide range of specialty areas including Finance, Politics, Education and Healthcare : http://www.emediamillworks.com/translation.html
ASIST Translation Services, Inc. Looking for qualified individuals for interpreting opportunities in healthcare, social services, corporate and legal settings. Absolute fluency in both English and the target language is a must; previous experience and training is highly desirable. A list of languages and areas of expertise should be included on résumé : http://www.asisttranslations.com/about/careers/
Avantpage Interested in Joining Us as a Translator? If you are interested in joining the Avantpage team, we would love to hear from you! Please fill out and submit the form : https://www.avantpage.com/why-choose-avantpage-translations/avantpage-language-employment-translator-employment-language-professional-employment/
Berlitz Translation Services : http://www.berlitz.com
Bilingual America We are actively seeking qualified candidates to teach Spanish to adult professionals : http://bilingualamerica.com/instructor-employment-request#.Ve6LcRFVhBc
Cactus Global provides translation services to help ESL (English-as-a-second-language) researchers communicate their science to the global scientific community. Job description; We are looking for experienced translators to work on academic manuscripts written in Japanese/Korean/Chinese/Portuguese. To qualify, you must have technical expertise in your field. Experience working in a foreign-language setting will be preferred. Essentially, your work will involve translating an academic research paper from the original language to native English : http://www.cactusglobal.com/careers
Capital Typing Language Translation Service – Speak to clients and customers in their own language. We offer translation service as well as transcription and customer support in Spanish, French and German as well as in English : http://www.capitaltyping.com/
CenturyLink is a leading provider of high-quality broadband, entertainment and voice services over its advanced communications networks to consumers and businesses in 33 states Seeks Customer Service Reps Work at Home or Telecommute Bilinguial prefered : https://centurylink.tms.hrdepartment.com/cgi-bin/a/searchjobs_quick.cgi
Certified Languages International prides itself on providing only the best interpreter services in the industry. Our clientele spans the United States, and encompasses all translation and interpretation services. Experience as a language interpreter or document translator often becomes the door leading to coveted long-term positions in fields such as Legal, Medical, Social Service, International Business, and Domestic Private Industry : http://www.certifiedlanguages.com/careers
Chinese Translation Pro : http://www.chinesetranslationpro.com/careers.php
Cipherion based in Ireland : http://www.cipherion.com
CPSL Translators and Interpreters : http://www.cpsl.com/en
CTS LanguageLink To qualify to work as a CTS LanguageLink Translator, you must be able to pass a written translation test of 250-350 words in ALL language pairs you wish to translate in. You must be responsive and available during PST business hours : http://www.ctslanguagelink.com/about_current_openings.php
CyraCom USA, UK jobs possibly more in other locations : http://www.cyracom.com/careers/
Dialog One : http://dialog-one.com/Company-Info/Careers
Direct Interactions delivers customer interaction solutions provided by agents working from home in the USA. Click on the Agents tab at top right on infomation bar then click Join US on one of the agents profiles for the job search page : http://directinteractions.com
Erickson Translations Worldwide Freelancers : http://www.eriksen.com/careers/
European Medical Writers Association, EMWA is seeking freelance translators To become members of EMWA http://www.emwa.org/
Executive Linguist Agency If you have experience interpreting or translating for the legal, medical, business, or high-tech communities, we would like to hear from you! : http://www.executivelinguist.com
Fantastic Transcripts particularly interested in hearing from folks who have a background in business, finance, high-tech, legal and medical. And we are interested in hearing from Spanish-speakers who can transcribe and translate Spanish : http://www.fantastictranscripts.com/workhome.htm
Focus Forward Transcription English to English. Spanish to Spanish, English to Spanish and Spanish to English jobs available to work from home. Also a wide variety of other opportunities when there are job openings to work from home : http://www.focusfwd.com/transcription/
ForeignExchange Translations : http://www.fxtrans.com/company/careers/
Frontline Call Center The opening is for a work from home agent on an upbeat blended call center team. Calls include technical assistance, and customer care. Requirements are a good strong internet connection, home office including landline, customer service skills, good understanding of computers. We are currently hiring in the following states: WA, UT, CO, TX, FL, PA, MI, OH, NC, PA and GA : http://frontlinecallcenter.com/Company/Page/2
General Dynamics Information Technology is seeking a Portuguese, French or Spanish language speaker to serve as an online instructor and mentor to assist military members stationed throughout the U.S. and world to enhance and maintain their language proficiency. The individual will develop and administer language and culture curricula through online and distance learning media, remote and telecommute positions: https://gdit.com
Gengo Working with Gengo is a great option for talented bilinguals. 1. Get started by creating a free account 2. Qualify Gengo tests are created and reviewed by Senior Translators. Read the guidelines and test today. 3. Start working Successful applicants can begin working right away. We look forward to having you on the team! https://gengo.com/translators/
GeoWorkz Marketplace For Jobs – At the GeoWorkz Marketplace, you can find and reply to jobs for multilingual experts—from translation to quality reviews to localization engineering : https://www.geoworkz.com
GlobaLink At GlobaLink, we are always looking to expand our network of Translators and Translation Reviewers. If you are a professional with expertise in a specific area, we welcome your application : http://www.globalinktranslations.com/work_with_us.asp?section=workwithus
gmrtranscription.com, at GMR Transcription we specialize in offering online transcription services. Our transcription services are backed by the extensive knowledge in the field of transcription. Wide choice of professional areas to choose from :http://gmrtranscription.com/careers.aspx
goFLUENT GROUP SA We are looking for home-based native English speakers with training and/or corporate experience, excellent English communication skills, the ability to discuss business and world events, and a genuine interest in other countries and cultures.Teaching days and hours: Working days are from Monday to Sunday, and we require a minimum of four hours per day, five days a week for a total of 20 hours a week, minimum. INTERNATIONAL SITES: USA | FRANCE | GERMANY | RUSSIA | UK | JAPAN | ITALIA | SWITZERLAND | SPAIN : http://www.gofluent.com
italki At italki, you can find the best online language teachers from around the world. italki is the world leader in online language education with over 1.5 million students and 2000+ teachers of 100 languages : http://blog.italki.com/
International Languages Services, Inc. is looking for talented linguists : http://ilslanguages.com/employment.html
Intute Linguistics provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. Each resource has been evaluated and categorised by subject specialists based at UK universities : http://www.intute.ac.uk/linguistics/
iSoftStone We hire talented people around the globe who have skills in Linguistic languages and technology to provide deep market insight for our services. Our jobs empower you with the experience of working on projects for cutting-edge IT companies, while providing a true work-life balance – with flexible schedules and the convenience of employment from your own home : http://issworld.isoftstone.com/
ISO Translations ISO Group is a truly international translation company providing the most complete translation services to clients worldwide. We have offices located all over the world : http://isotranslations.com/opportunities/
Teach Your Baby Sign Language with Kindersigns Teach babies sign language to enhance language development with these easy baby sign language lessons Dedicated to all moms who are looking for a work at home opportunity which will provide an added income as well as the personal satisfaction of making a valuable contribution to society : http://www.kindersigns.com
Keylingo team members are the best in the business. Period. We work with gifted translators, interpreters and subject area experts from around the world : http://keylingo.com
Kirkus Media is looking for experienced book reviewers of English and Spanish-language titles to review for Kirkus Indie, the book review magazine’s section dedicated to self-published authors. Reviews are in the same format and held to the same high standards as other sections of Kirkus Reviews : https://www.kirkusreviews.com/about/careers/
Language Line Solutions Over-the-Phone Interpreters Headquartered in Monterey, California, Language Line Services employs telephone interpreters across 18 time zones, and throughout the United States, the UK, Canada, Puerto Rico, Panama, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic. And growing : http://www.languageline.com
Language Services Associates benefits : https://lsaweb.com/careers/
Language Translation, Inc. : http://www.languagetranslation.com/jobs.html
Languages Unlimited, LLC employs language experts based in the United States and Canada, we also have linguists in countries such as China, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and India to cite just a few examples : http://www.languagesunlimited.com
Lingo24 have an internationally recognised translator’s qualification (from a body such as the ITI or IOL in the UK, or the American Translators’ Association, or their own country’s equivalent) : http://www.lingo24.com/new_translators.html
Linguist Finder– translations and Interpreting, and tutors. All language translations worldwide!
Linguist House Translation & Linguistic Services is a leading UAE-based provider of translation, linguistic and content services in Arabic as well as major world languages : http://www.linguisthouse.com/
Linguistmail.com offers free and fee-based educational resources on learning a foreign language for all levels of students who want to master a foreign language independently : http://linguistmail.com
Linguistic Systems Inc. works with many freelance language translators and interpreters. To become a member of our freelance team you must have at least two years of translation or interpreting experience, a degree from an accredited university, have easy access to email, use basic translation software tools. This qualification process includes filling in our online application form and translating a short text for each language pair you wish to be evauated for : http://www.linguist.com
Lionbridge At Lionbridge, we pride ourselves on our network of people. Great people work for us as employees, as translators, and as interpreters. Our more than 4,200 people across 26 countries are supported by thousands more who enable our clients’ global success : http://www.lionbridge.com/careers/
LSA is continuously accepting qualified interpreters and transliterators to the LSA network of independently contracted professionals to service a wide range of interpreting assignments. To participate on the LSA network, contractor’s must possess RID/NAD, BEI or ACCI certification (or your state’s QA equivalent level certification), proof of your state’s required License or Registration and three professional references. All languages are welcome : http://lsaweb.com
Mango Languages – Seeks Course developers in many different languages, other Home Based Opportunities.The Mango team is growing FAST, and we’re always looking for talented, passionate and enthusiastic people to help us reach our goals. If you love languages, and you don’t mind a little hard work or a little fun while you do it, we’d love to meet you! Check out our open positions to send us your resume, or view our officevideos toearn more about us : http://www.mangolanguages.com
Multilingual Vacancies Your first port of call for all language jobs is an exciting portal for all jobs with languages. Primarily EU Based but does have world wide resources also : http://www.multilingualvacancies.com
NetworkOmni welcomes the opportunity to work with highly experienced freelance language specialists on an independent contractor basis. Successful candidates must have a minimum of 3 years professional experience in translation or interpretation, a higher education degree and an established record of performance in various subject areas : http://www.networkomni.com